Both my daughters had to complete an assignment which traces the roots and heritage of our family dating back four generations. Having to collect historical documents, artefacts, conduct interviews with grandparents and parents and label photos, this project results in the most incredible pictorial and written documentation of both sides of our family. A legacy folder that will be handed down to future generations.
Observing the process required to pull this assignment together connected me to the parallels of working with both large and small companies on a daily basis. A family heritage is not dissimilar to a company’s heritage and brand story.
Often, one of the first discussions I have with my clients is around the sharing of their company history. It is during this story telling session that so many pearls of wisdom unravel providing amazing insights for future marketing and communications campaigns.
Who started the company?
Why? Just like every person has a story, so does every company.
Some Founders are still at the helm of their companies today, others are long gone and their heritage and passion needs to be passed down and communicated through the leaders of today.
Take Beaurepaires. They display their story on the walls of their workshops in equal reverence to their service values and promise.
“As Beaurepaires moves forward, we remember the commitment of our forebears to secure an even more successful future.” This statement declares the value they attach to connecting their past to their future growth.
While I watched both my daughters document our family history and live the stories, journeys, obstacles and victories that our ancestors and grandparents achieved, I thought of the many companies I have and continue to work with.
Their battles, their wins, their achievements.
Every part of their story contributing to who they are today.
Proudly use your heritage story to give meaning and understanding of your business to your customers, to inspire your staff and to provide the “Why?”
If you are a new company, one Small Act that will have Major Impact on your future is to save your files and documents and write your journey as you go through it. You will love to look back on it years from now. And who knows?…your grandchildren just may need to include some of the documents in their project.